Skin health first and everything else will follow.

About me…

I’m Suzie, a facialist based in a private studio in the Derbyshire Dales. I’ve been a part of the beauty industry for over 20 years. I’ve owned a salon in Portugal and large salon in the UK but for the last 6 years I have specialised in Skin and other than the odd massage, skin treatments are all I do!

I’m so passionate about and interested in skin because I struggled with my own for so long. When I was 25 I finally figured it out and now my skin doesn’t cause me any stress or worry and I believe I have the ability to control how my skin ages which feels incredibly empowering. My mission is to help others get to the same place with their skin.

I’ve been told that I perform a lovely facial but I’m not here for the ‘airy fairy’… of course I will make treatments super luxe and as relaxing as I can BUT I’m here for the stuff that really changes your skin. You want results, I’ll help you achieve them and I have a plethora of machines, tools, gadgets and innovative products to help me do that.

I’m opinionated and passionate about this industry. I hate that our ‘norm’ is now ‘perfect’. I hate that women and men (young girls and boys too) feel a pressure to look flawless. I don’t believe that perfect exists and nor would I want it too.

I’m concerned that fillers and Botox (not to mention filters and AI) are gradually turning us into clones and that we’ve forgotten how to celebrate our individuality.

I believe that the key to looking good is feeling good and that skin care, health and well-being go hand in hand.

I love it when people see ageing as a blessing and something that not everyone gets to do.

Finally… I’m honest. I know and understand that I have to be honest and in this industry, not everyone is. The only way that my business keeps going is because my clients keep coming back and that, I believe, is largely down to trust. You can trust me to tell you what works, what doesn’t, when to take things to the next level and when to ease off and take a break. Clients that don’t trust you, don’t come back, and I want to continue seeing my clients until they’re in their 80’s… some already are!